I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Jelena Gataric, I am 28 years old, from Zrenjanin. I completed master studies at The Technical Faculty ,,Mihajlo Pupin’’, department of information technology. My master thesis was about managing elements of horizontal fragmentation in the case of university information system.
In my current workplace I am working in Linux, using Git and BitBucket for committing my work, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4, JavaScript, with focus on the front end programming. I love to learn new things related to front end development. I have just started learning Elm and I find it very interesting. I intend to continue to improve myself and I am planning to take courses related to the programming area that I am interested in. First course that I would like to attend is for JavaScript.
I created small phonebook application, MEAN stack application. I used Angular 4.0, ExpressJS, MongoDB for realization of this application. It has possibility to add record into database, to list all records that are in database, listing of all records that match search criteria for last name and deleting record from the database.
Also, when I started learning Angular I created Angular 2 application. For now I know the basic of Angular, with TypeScript, that contains things like: data binding and pipes, interpolation, templates and directives, service, retrieving data using HTTP, routing basics.
I have done several responsive single page applications, and I used Adobe Photoshop to assert pictures from design, created page with HTML5, SCSS(using variables, nesting for better organization, mixins, partials and imports). Also, for interactive things like tabs, drop down menu and sidebar navigation I used jQuery, and media queries for adjusting design to phones, tablets and desktop resolution.
After collage I have finished workshop for .Net programming, from the basic things to MVC. That really helped me to understand better the basic concepts of programming that I have learned through five years of college.
I love this part of programming, and I am constantly seeking to learn something new, to improve my knowledge. I would like to have an opportunity to work in your team. I can promise You that I will prove my talents with hard work.
Thank You for your time.
Best regards, Jelena Gataric